sâmbătă, 15 ianuarie 2011

Lumea sufletului meu.

Imi adun gandurileimi incarc stiloul cu cerneala vietiiimi intind bratele acestei file patate, iar lacrimile imi cad usor din ochii tristi,negasindu-i sensul vietii departe de persoana ta.
Incerc sa-mi gasesc caldura si fericirea gandindu-ma ca te am langa mine.Inima imi este obosita iar ochii mei imi sunt goi de singuratatea care ma inconjoara.Te-am zarit, am ajuns langa tine dar inima ta era ingropata in nisip.Am rascolit nisipul in nestire pentru a-ti redescoperi iubirea!De n-as avea iubirea, n-as avea cuvantul!
Imi sunt si lacrima si viata indragostite de tine, de speranta si de dragoste.Imi cladesc o lume magica iar eu sunt puntea coplesita de dorinta arzatoare a dragostei si a sperantei care sta in fata ta doar sa ai curajul sa te lasi condus.Ai fi o stanca in fata atator funduri,pretuind fiecare clipa in doi fiecare sarut sau mangaiere, fiecare cuvant bland sau privire.Tot ce mi-a fost furat vreau sa regasesc in tine.In sufletul tau stiu ca pot gasi o farama de iubire...Astept,astept si iubesc in tacere,plina de speranta...

vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011

To the one who believe that this world will be saved by love
To the ones who believe that Love will still change something
We'll sing ,we'll sing ,we'll tell them this:
Nobody will explain what Love is
You'll find this by yourself one summer day
And then do not forget about your heart
The Good and the Bad will play around you
This dead World will try to steal your love
Never forget about your heart
To the ones who think that Dreams can't die
To the ones who know that Hate doesn't give birth to a child
We'll sing,we'll sing,we'll tell them this:
Nobody will explain what Love is
You'll find it by yourself one summer day
And then do not forget about your heart
The Good and the Bad will play around you
This dead World will try to steal your love
Never forget about your heart.

                                (Vama Veche-Epilogue)

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